Tuesday 24 April 2018

What are Humidification & Dehumidification & Why is the Right Balance Essential?

Adding an indoor pool to your home or business? Finding a balance between humidification and dehumidification needs can be a tricky task, with disastrous consequences resulting from errors. To protect your pool investment and ensure a safe poolside experience, proper indoor pool humidity control is key.

Humidification & Dehumidification: Why You Need Both

When building an indoor pool, the uninitiated often overlook the importance of humidification and dehumidification needs, failing to realize the importance of balance in the indoor pool environment. Which humidity horror is most likely to bring your poolside pursuits to a halt? Let’s take a closer look…
  • Humidification

    Realistic transparent water dropWhen air is too dry, typically in the sub-35% relative humidity range, humidifiers add moisture to the air. Humidification is key in your pool room because if air is too dry, the water in your pool will evaporate and dry up, costing you in massive water bills for necessary fluid replacement, especially if the issue persists over the long haul.
  • Dehumidification

    When it’s too humid or moist in your indoor pool environment, above the 50% relative humidity mark, dehumidifiers can help control condensation and comfort by removing moisture from the air. Experiencing a bit uncomfortable stickiness while you’re poolside might not seem like a big deal, but it could pack a massive punch to your health - and your wallet. Moisture accumulation within the confines of your pool room can quickly result in the proliferation of dangerous bacteria and mold. Over time, moisture will take its toll on the building structure as well, causing furnishings, building materials, and key structural components to corrode and rot. This situation, left unchecked, can lead to moisture infiltrating and ultimately degrading other attached building structures.

Finding the Right Balance

With the help of a pool dehumidification expert, a system can be constructed that provides the best of both worlds for your indoor pool environment. What is ideal? An indoor pool environment with relative humidity levels in the range of 50-60% is ideal for preventing issues with both evaporation and condensation. Carefully designed to prevent evaporation from your pool and condensation distribution along outside walls with even air distribution directed away from your pool’s surface, the addition of dehumidification equipment such as a Dectron dehumidifier, in combination with expertly designed, properly installed ventilation equipment, can provide the ideal balance of relative humidity for your indoor pool environment.

Not a One-Size-Fits-All Fix

Proper and lasting indoor pool design includes the integration of necessary humidity and ventilation control measures from the start, and involves a precise assessment, with both commercial and residential pools having different needs. Before suffering at the hands of indoor humidification and dehumidification issues, look to the expertise of the commercial heating and air conditioning professionals at H&H Commercial Services. Take advantage of our tried-and-trusted services. Schedule a design consultation or indoor pool environmental assessment to ensure lasting pool performance today.

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