Friday 29 May 2020

Improve Comfort & Save Money with Pool Room Dehumidification For Hotels In Summer

Are you skimping on running the comfort system for your indoor pool? This decision might be costing you more than you think. Proper temperature levels and indoor pool humidity control are crucial safeguarding your bottom line and keeping your indoor pool or spa in top condition.

High Humidity Levels in the Pool Room Have Steep Consequences

  • High Humidity Levels Cause Structural Damage
Heating a pool to a comfortable temperature generates a large amount of water vapor. As humidity levels rise, water will accumulate on the floors, walls, and ceilings. Any structural components that remain wet will grow mold, mildew, and bacteria, eventually rotting your natatorium from the inside out. Furnishings will also breakdown and corrode faster in this environment, costing you a great deal of money in the long run.
  • Uncomfortable Temperatures Affect Pool Room Enjoyment
In addition to causing an unsightly, unhealthy pool environment, too much humidity can ruin the pool room experience for hotel guests, causing uncomfortable conditions and aggravating asthma and allergies. This could negatively impact decisions surrounding return visits to your establishment.

Proper Dehumidification Saves Money & Improves the Guest Experience 

  • Well-Designed Pool Room Comfort Systems Decrease Energy Costs
    Instead of bringing in fresh outdoor air to reduce humidity levels in the pool room, which wastes energy and leaves your heating and cooling struggling to maintain temperature, a Dectron pool dehumidifier can help you keep the conditioned air in your natatorium to temperature while simply removing excess humidity.
  • Dehumidifiers Improve Comfort in Cold & Warm Weather
    In the summer, dryer air can help guests in your pool room feel cooler, even when the temperature is held at a constant level. At lower relative humidity levels, sweat can more easily evaporate, allowing the body to cool off through perspiration.
  • The Most Efficient Systems Put Latent Heat to Work, Reducing Pool Heating Costs
    Commercial heating and cooling contractors a dehumidifier offers more than summertime advantages. In the winter, a dehumidifier can help you lower heating costs by repurposing the heat created in the dehumidification process, putting it to use heating the water in your pool and reducing your energy bills.

A Pool Room Dehumidifier Isn’t a Nicety, It’s a Necessity

Using a pool room dehumidifier offers significant savings over the years, lowering energy costs, preventing damage to furnishings and the structure of your pool room, and upholding a beautiful, comfortable experience for guests. The relatively small costs of this system are easily recouped in the lengthened lifespan of your pool room structure and furnishings and year-over-year energy savings.
Ensure an inviting pool room environment while gaining control over your energy costs. Talk to pool room dehumidification experts at H & H Commercial Services today.

Friday 8 May 2020

Top 3 Factors That Contribute To Indoor Pool Humidity Problems

Your pool room is a unique and delicate ecosystem. Without a watchful eye, this environment can quickly fall out of balance. Humidity issues are a common problem in this setting, making the indoor pool room experience uncomfortable and unpleasant at best, or resulting in health problems and structural damage at worst.

The Dangers of Poor Pool Room Humidity Control

Commercial HVAC contractors in Philadelphia know high humidity levels leading to condensation buildup and a damp environment can quickly lead to airborne and surface mold. This can cause a wide range of health issues, from respiratory issues, headaches, and skin irritation, as well as structural issues, deteriorating building components that can put natatorium occupants at risk.

Signs Your Indoor Pool Space is Too Humid

  • A difference in air and water temperature greater than 2 degrees.
  • Humidity levels above 50-60% relative humidity.
  • Condensation on pool room surfaces.
  • Visible mold on surfaces, indicating the need for immediate attention.
  • Premature corrosion of structural components and pool room furnishings.
  • Frequent cycling of your dehumidification system.
  • Overflowing condensate drain pan.

How Can You Stop Pool Humidity Levels from Getting Out of Control?

  • Humidity Control Begins with Proper Construction
Including the proper vapor barriers and installing them to spec is essential to preventing harmful condensation from accumulating in the walls of your pool room.
  • Maintain a Comfortable Temperature and Safeguard Air Quality Well-Designed Ventilation 
The design of your ventilation system can help you prevent condensation and preserve air quality. Well-designed ventilation systems direct conditioned air to exterior windows, keeping the temperature above dew point and preventing condensation. Properly designed ventilation systems also circulate conditioned air down to the breathing zone, supporting good air quality.
  • Install an Adequate Dehumidification System
It takes more than an open door or an exhaust fan to maintain proper humidity levels in the natatorium environment. A thoughtfully designed indoor pool dehumidification system is a critical part of indoor pool humidity control. The best systems rival complete HVAC systems, cooling or heating air to the proper temperature, and keeping relative humidity to healthy levels based on your temperature settings.

Addressing Pool Room Humidity Issues

High pool room humidity levels can’t be managed by your pool service – they require the attention of a trained HVAC technician. Dectron dehumidifiers, and other pool room dehumidification systems, are highly specialized. They require careful attention to detail in design and maintenance to ensure your pool room remains a safe, healthy environment. Regular diagnostic checks and maintenance are essential to preventing minor humidity problems from turning into major issues. This professional attention keeps your dehumidification system in good running shape, improving its efficiency, and preventing unexpected repairs.
Prevent indoor pool humidity problems,ensuring a comfortable, enjoyable, safe swimming environment. Let the pool room climate control experts at H & H Commercial Services help your design the ideal dehumidification system for your pool room and budget. Contact us to schedule a free system consultation today.