Tuesday 28 July 2020

Wondering How To Maintain Your HVAC System During Lockdown?

From office buildings closed to accommodate working from home to temporary bar and restaurant closures in COVID-19 hotspots, the on-again, off-again use of commercial heating and cooling equipment is becoming the norm. How does this practice impact your system? The commercial HVAC pros at H & H have the information you need to ensure your system survives the pandemic. 

Commercial HVAC Maintenance During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Whether your business has closed completely or is working on a reduced schedule with limited occupancy, your commercial HVAC system still requires routine service and maintenance. Regularly scheduled maintenance must be performed whether or not your system is in use to ensure optimal performance and lifespan. Now, before occupancy returns to normal, is the ideal time for service and maintenance. 

Service and maintenance is especially important if your system has been “off” for an extended length of time. Scheduling an inspection can help you avoid indoor air quality issues when restarting your system. It can also help you avoid the need for emergency repair service that can occur following neglected maintenance and long periods of inactivity. 

HVAC professionals don’t recommend turning off your equipment. Whenever possible, operating at a reduced capacity is best. If this is not possible, we recommend attempting to restart your system a week before reopening. Be sure to include a new filter, carefully monitoring your system after returning it to operation in case of service issues.

Maintaining Your Business – and HVAC System – Through COVID-19

If it’s business as usual for you and your employees, you should continue HVAC maintenance as normal, including regular air filter changes and coil cleaning. H & H remains open and ready to serve you throughout the crisis. You can rest assured of safety. Our staff is trained to take proper precautions, donning masks and gloves, maintaining distance, and limiting contact as much as possible when on your premises. 

We are also here to upgrade your system as you seek to reduce airborne COVID exposure. We can help you improve indoor air quality with UV light filtration, ionization, hospital-grade filtration, improved exhaust/fresh air intake, duct cleaning, and more. Our team has the industry expertise to meet your most complex heating, cooling, and indoor air quality needs, with the latest information on strategies to help you safeguard employee and customer health as the pandemic evolves.

The Benefit of Upgrading HVAC During a Shutdown

If your system is reaching the end of its life, it may be a good time to consider upgrading your heating and cooling system now. Upgrading your system while your business is closed or opened in a limited capacity ensures minimal impact on day-to-day operations.

For more information on maintaining your system during the shutdown, contact H & H Commercial Services. Fill out our online contact form or arrange a no contact virtual estimate today. 

This blog was originally posted at https://hhcommercialonline.com/wondering-how-to-maintain-your-hvac-system-during-lockdown/

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Is The Summer Humidity Affecting Your Commercial Space? Consider This!

Are humidity issues impacting your bottom line? Moisture poses unique risks in commercial environments. Left unchecked, it could quickly result in damage to goods and equipment, unexpected downtown, health issues, and financial losses. Fortunately, whether you’re suffering early spoilage in your restaurant, moldy paper in your print shop, or corrosion and electrical problems in your machine shop, there are a number of dehumidification strategies to help you mitigate issues surrounding excess moisture. 

Ways to Combat Humidity In Your Commercial Business

Many business owners mistakenly believe commercial air conditioning will be enough to manage high summer humidity. While running your air conditioner can remove some moisture from the air, it doesn’t offer complete humidity control. What are the best ways to manage excess environmental moisture?

  • Commercial Dehumidification Systems
    Industries that require strict moisture control need dedicated dehumidification systems, designed to meet their unique industry and building needs. Skillfully designed by a commercial dehumidification expert, these systems offer precise control of relative humidity, keeping humidity levels at 50% or lower during the summer to reduce the negative impact of moisture buildup and condensation. 
  • Thoughtful Pool Room Design
    For facilities that house indoors pools, such as gyms and hotels, pool room climate control is an essential part of controlling humidity in neighboring areas of your property. Without proper humidity control in your natatorium, alongside an adequate pool room dehumidification system, excess moisture will invade the structure and interior of nearby gym and hotel areas. These issues are more than a matter of patron discomfort, as over time they can result in mold and mildew issues, as well as the decay of furnishing and building structure. 
  • Outdoor Air Exchange
    If your space is contaminated by outside moisture from your rooftop air conditioner or makeup air from your building exhaust, a 100% outdoor air dehumidification system could help. These systems separate moisture from the outdoor air before it enters the building. Later, a recirculating dehumidifier can also be used to remove additional moisture from interior building air if further control is needed.   
  • Proper Packaging
    Used in conjunction with a commercial dehumidification system, proper product packaging is another way to fight the effects of high relative humidity. For instance, storage of powdered foods for commercial purposes would be best in non-permeable containers, versus permeable or semi-permeable packaging.

Humidity issues making you sweat? The dehumidification experts at H & H Commercial Services can solve your toughest dehumidification challenges. Let us help you create the ideal climate for your business, ensuring your goods, equipment, customers, and employees are protected year-round. Contact us and schedule an on-site evaluation today. 

This blog was originally posted at https://hhcommercialonline.com/is-the-summer-humidity-affecting-your-commercial-space-consider-this/