Friday 28 October 2022

Choosing the Right Climate System for Your Grow Room

Good climate control is central to grow room success. In the summer months, this means having a good air conditioner. But what kind of air conditioner is best for your grow room? That depends on a number of factors including the size of your grow room, its layout, and the local climate. Below, take a look at the three most common types of air conditioners for grow room climate control.

Portable Air Conditioners

If your grow room is really small, such as if it is a single room in a larger building, then you may want to consider a portable air conditioner. These small units can be picked up and moved by one person. They don’t require installation or intensive setup. Most just have an exhaust tube that you point toward a window.

If you decide to use a portable AC unit, choose one with a digital thermostat. This way, you can more closely control the temperature of your space, which is vital for plant health.

Mini Split Air Conditioners

In a larger grow room, you’ll need a more powerful AC unit to adequately cool your space. Mini-split systems tend to work well in this case. These systems consist of two components. The first is an air handling unit, which your HVAC mechanical contractor can mount on the wall. The second is the condenser, which your commercial HVAC contractor will set up outside.

Mini split air conditioners do require professional installation, but they are a lot easier to install than full-size, commercial AC systems. They are easy to maintain and suitable even for the hottest of climates.

Commercial AC Units

If you have a full-scale, large growing operation in a warehouse or similarly sized building, then even a mini split AC system may not be able to keep up. To cool such a large space, you’ll want a commercial air conditioning unit. These units can cool a large space down rapidly and keep the temperature under close control, which is exactly what you need in a large growing operation.

Commercial AC units are usually installed on the roof. They need to be integrated with your existing ductwork, or your commercial heating and air company will need to run ducts to deliver the cooled air through the space.  When properly installed, a good commercial AC unit can discharge all the heat produced by carbon dioxide generators, dehumidifiers, and other grow room equipment.

Having the right grow room HVAC system is so important for your plants’ overall health and productivity. If you’d like to have a mini split or commercial air conditioner installed in your grow room, contact the experts at H&H Commercial Services, Inc. We’ll look over your space, review your needs, and recommend the HVAC equipment that’s best for you and your plants.

This blog was originally posted at

Friday 14 October 2022

Equipments Needed to Maintain Proper Climate in Your Indoor Pool Room

An indoor pool room is meant to be a relaxing place. You want to be able to go for a swim, then step out of the water and dry off poolside, perhaps while chatting with friends. In order for you to enjoy your pool room in this way, its climate needs to be closely controlled. You don’t want the room to be too hot, too cold, or too humid. Indoor pool humidity control and temperature control come down to having the right equipment. Here are the key HVAC components commercial HVAC mechanical contractors typically install in indoor pool rooms. 


Your pool room is a room with a huge tub of water in it, so of course, the space will tend towards being too moist. A dehumidifier is therefore essential for removing excess humidity from the air. In most cases, you should maintain the relative humidity between 50 and 60% in your pool room. This is the perfect level to prevent mold growth and other consequences of high moisture without making swimmers feel too dry and uncomfortable when they step out of the pool.

Dehumidifiers used in typical homes are not powerful enough for pool rooms. So, a commercial HVAC service company will usually install specialized dehumidifiers made just for this purpose. These dehumidifiers can remove moisture from the air rapidly, and they give you ample indoor pool room humidity control.


A large fan is important to keep the air inside your pool room moving. This ensures an even humidity throughout the space. A commercial HVAC service company will typically install a powerful, overhead fan to keep air circulating in the pool room. This fan will push warm air down, helping to maintain an even temperature all through the room.

Air Conditioner

Pool rooms are usually fitted with separate air conditioners from the rest of the home. These AC units have to work over time to remove heat that’s released from the warm pool water. A good pool room air conditioning system also pulls plenty of moisture from the air, reducing the burden on your dehumidifier.


Some pool rooms do not need heaters as the ambient heat from the heated pool is enough to keep them warm. In cold climates, however, heaters are often installed. It’s wise to have a separate heater from the rest of the home so you can keep your pool room a bit warmer than your other spaces. There are lots of smaller, easy-to-install heater options to discuss with your HVAC team.

Maintaining indoor pool air quality is so important for an enjoyable, comfortable swimming experience. If you need assistance with your pool room climate control, get in touch with the HVAC contractors at H & H Commercial Services. We can recommend and install the best dehumidifier and other HVAC equipment to suit your needs.

This blog was originally posted at