Friday 22 July 2022

Energy Consumption In Commercial Buildings: 4 Ways To Save in Summer

Commercial buildings need to be comfortable for clients and for the workforce. In the summer, this means running the air conditioners, which can quickly ramp up your energy bills. Some buildings require as much as 50 kWh/square foot, and up to 35% of that is dedicated to air conditioning.

Thankfully, there are steps you can take to reduce energy consumption and keep your cooling bills under closer control. Here are four key strategies to help you reduce HVAC energy consumption in your commercial building this summer.

Have Your System Professionally Maintained

First and foremost, have a commercial HVAC service company come look over and maintain your system. They can identify any worn or damaged parts that may be making your HVAC system less energy-efficient. They can also clean and lubricate the moving parts and motors in your HVAC system, which allows it to run more efficiently.

Cool During Off-Peak Hours

Energy companies charge a higher rate for electricity during certain hours, which usually include afternoon hours during the warm months. The same electricity tends to be cheaper during the morning and evening. Program your HVAC system to cool the building off a few extra degrees in the morning and evening. This way, it will be extra cool going into those peak afternoon hours, and the system won’t need to run as often.

If your current thermostat does not give you this level of control, talk to your commercial HVAC contractors. They can install a smart thermostat that allows you to program your AC schedule around peak hours.

Install Smart Blinds

Commercial HVAC mechanical contractors Philadelphia residents trust have seen smart blinds work well in many commercial buildings. These blinds open and close on-schedule, protecting your building from the sun’s heat during the hottest hours. Some models even sense light and close automatically when it reaches a certain brightness. The more sun they bock, the less your AC needs to work.

Use Energy Recovery Ventilation

Ventilation is an often-overlooked component of HVAC. If your ventilation system is set up to transfer heat and humidity from the vented air to the incoming air, this reduces the burden on your air conditioner. Have a commercial HVAC repair and service company come look over your commercial building’s setup and see whether adding energy recovery ventilation is an option. If it is, this upgrade could save a vast amount of energy.

Don’t let high energy bills weigh your business down this summer. Make some of the changes above, and get in touch with H&H Commercial Services, Inc. Our experienced technicians can help you improve the efficiency of your HVAC system.

This blog was originally posted at

Friday 8 July 2022

Grow Room Ventilation 101

Climate makes a big difference in the health and productivity of your cannabis plants. The good news is if you’re growing indoors, you get to create that climate! The key to a good grow room climate control is proper ventilation. Keep reading to learn why grow room ventilation is so important, and also to discover the key components of grow room ventilation systems.

Why Ventilation Is Important

Ventilation means “moving air.” In a grow room, you want to move old air out and new air in. There are four core things good ventilation allows for in a grow room.

Humidity Control

As plants photosynthesize, they create water. The water passes out through the leaves in a process called transpiration. This is why grow rooms become so humid if there’s not enough airflow. Proper ventilation circulates the air to keep humidity levels in check. Too much humidity can cause plants to suffocate or rot.

Pest Control

Pests, like spider mites and fungus gnats, thrive in humid zones. A good ventilation system is therefore important for grow room pest control.


Grow room lights are necessary, but they do give off a lot of heat. Ventilation ensures this heat dissipates, ideally keeping your grow room temperature between 75 and 85 degrees F.

Carbon Dioxide Levels

Plants give off oxygen, and they take in carbon dioxide. A good ventilation system makes sure fresh carbon dioxide is always coming in for the plants to use. It also pushes out the oxygen.

Components of Grow Roof Ventilation Systems

Every grow room setup is a bit different. Some grow rooms only need one or two of these ventilation components. Other grow rooms need them all.

Oscillating Fans

These large fans circulate air throughout the space. This helps keep the temperature and humidity even throughout the grow room.

Air Intake

The air intake brings fresh air into the grow room. There are two types of air intakes commercial HVAC mechanical contractors can install. Passive intakes use negative pressure to bring air into the room. Active intakes use a fan to essentially pull air into the grow room.

Exhaust Fan

The exhaust fan exhausts stale air from the grow room. Exhaust fans should be placed on the opposite wall from the air intake so air is continually moving through the space.


In more humid climates or large grow rooms, you may need your commercial HVAC service company to add a dehumidifier to the system. It removes moisture from the air, condensing it into water.

CO2 Injector

If your plants are not getting enough CO2, then you can add a CO2 injector to your ventilation system. It adds extra carbon dioxide to the intake air.

Perfect your ventilation system and your plants will thank you with better health. If you’re looking for a commercial HVAC repair and service company, contact H&H Commercial Services, Inc. We offer grow room ventilation services and more.

This blog was originally posted at