Monday 14 January 2019

Humidity Issues That Plague Indoor Pools In Hotels

Indoor swimming pools are a coveted hotel feature, enhancing your hotel property and attracting guests year-round. However, as HVAC contractors know, the indoor pool environment is quite persnickety, requiring a high level of maintenance and steadfast care. When not kept in optimal condition with proper ventilation and dehumidification, many issues can arise that detract from the guest experience.

Is Your Hotel Also Suffering these Common Natatorium Troubles?Humidity Issues that Plague Indoor Pools in Hotels

  • Uncomfortably Muggy Climate
    Suffocating, sticky indoor pool rooms are far from a welcoming environment for guests. One of the many signs of poor humidity control, an effectively designed dehumidification system should keep climate consistent, regardless of outside temperature.
  • Structural Damage
    When your indoor pool dehumidifier is not getting the job done, structural damage will occur over time from excessive moisture and the creation of condensation and standing water. Left unchecked, mold, mildew, and corrosion will take their toll not only on metal equipment such as chairs, loungers, and tables, but on the pool room structure itself, breaking down drywall and structural support (wood framing, hardware). For attached natatoriums, these issues could infiltrate the hotel itself.
  • Dangerous Germs
    Excess of moisture not only causes structural damage but leads to foul odors and growth of unhealthy bacteria. In a recent Centers for Disease Control report, it was uncovered that one-of-three swimming-related illnesses in the U.S. could be traced back to a hotel/motel swimming pool. These include common and dangerous illnesses such as Cryptosporidium, Pseudomonas, and Legionella. Exposed to a large number of bathers, the odds of illnesses being transferred to hotel pools is increased. If not rigorously maintained with proper pool chemicals and moisture control, germs, which love moisture, will thrive, forming a biofilm ‘slime’ on wet surfaces.
  • Chemical Hazards
    Poorly managed pool environments can also pose chemical hazards to guests. When not properly ventilated, the buildup of chlorine and other pool chemicals can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms, inducing respiratory distress. This can be especially dangerous for sensitive individuals who are predisposed to lung issues/illness.
  • High Energy Costs
    Unreasonably high energy costs indicate a pool dehumidification system that is performing poorly, wasting energy by exhausting air outside and creating passive heat exchanges. Properly designed, a pool dehumidification should reduce energy costs, including the cost of heating the pool by re-purposing the heat in the room.

How Can You Circumvent these Common Humidity Issues

To safeguard guests, ensure a positive hotel experience, and return stay, investing in dehumidification system you can rely on year-round is key. This will ensure a positive pool room experience, lowered energy costs, and a comfortable pool room environment (even in the winter). Determining the type of dehumidifier that is best for your pool room’s unique design is essential to its ability to remove excess air moisture and maintain an optimal swimming temperature, reducing environmental risks and damages. This makes professional assessment by a skilled pool dehumidification expert, who can identify the right dehumidifier for your pool based on natatorium size/layout, dampness/evaporation, airflow, and other conditions, integral to providing a high-quality, well-structured, and safe pool room.
Don’t suffer hair-raising hotel pool room humidity issues. Contact H&H Commercial Services, today.

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