Friday 10 April 2020

Commercial AC System Tune-Ups: What you need to know

The summer heat can really sneak up on you. Is your commercial property ready to manage the intensity of heat the summer months will throw your way? Your employees and customers are counting on you. Be ready, scheduling a commercial air conditioning tune-up for your Pennsylvania business now, before the sizzling summer heat sets in.

Ensure Optimal Performance

Routine commercial HVAC service and maintenance is the best way to guard against sky-high cooling costs while maintaining comfort through the summer season, trimming energy costs up to 30 percent. During routine service, our knowledgeable technicians will thoroughly inspect your system, identifying any potential issues that could impact system performance, such as:
  • Clogged air filters that put a strain on your system and inflate energy bills.
  • Costly refrigerant leaks and resulting low refrigerant levels.
  • Dirty blower fans, condenser, and evaporator coils that make it difficult for your system to maintain temperature.
  • Thermostat malfunction issues that lead to office “thermostat wars.
  • Burnt wires and shorts from rodent or insect damage.
  • Drain line clogs that can lead to water damage, mold, and mildew in your commercial building.

Avoid “Surprise” Repair Bills and the Need for Emergency Service

Our trained commercial air conditioning contractors can also find and address issues that could leave you sweating the cost of emergency HVAC service in peak summer heat. Poorly maintained commercial HVAC systems are up to 75 percent more likely to suffer mechanical issues than those that are routinely serviced. Even well-performing systems experience wear-and-tear in summer temperature extremes. However, neglected systems are left increasingly vulnerable to breakdowns over time. They often end up giving business owners a nasty surprise during a heat wave, when they have to wait in a long queue with others experiencing system breakdowns due to neglected maintenance.

Improve Safety

Well maintained systems support better indoor air quality, as well as experience a reduced risk of electrical and fire dangers.

Save Energy Dollars

Well performing systems save you a pretty penny annually in energy dollars, helping you better manage your monthly budget, especially in summer temperature extremes. If you struggle to keep up with HVAC system maintenance tasks due to a hectic schedule, an annual HVAC maintenance agreement can really pay off, taking a load of your to-do list and your annual energy bills by ensuring optimal performance. You’ll also enjoy added perks, including priority service in the event of emergency, and discounts on parts and labor.

Extend System Life

Regular maintenance extends system life, keeping your air conditioner in service years longer and helping you avoid untimely replacement.
Ensure a cool, comfortable summer, avoiding energy bills and repair costs that make you break out in a cold sweat in the summer heat. Contact your local commercial HVAC service company, H & H Commercial Services, to schedule spring air conditioner maintenance today.

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