Saturday 12 December 2020

Consider these New & Essential Resolutions for the New Year

The start of the new year is the perfect time to begin a fresh, new approach to caring for your commercial HVAC system, whether it’s starting small with a smart thermostat upgrade or going all-in and investing in a new system for your business. What New Year’s resolutions should you consider when it comes to your commercial HVAC system in 2021?

More Regular, DIY Air Filter Maintenance

Regularly changing your air filter is one of the easiest, cheapest, most effective things you can do to improve and maintain system performance. It reduces airborne contaminants, facilitates the free flow of air, boosts operating efficiency, and prevents breakdowns. Put it on the calendar, ensuring replacement every 1-3 months.

A Routine Preventative Maintenance Schedule that Runs On-Time

Put routine preventative HVAC service and maintenance on your calendar before seasonal stress takes a toll on your system. Schedule AC maintenance in the spring, before summer heat sets in, and heating system maintenance in the fall, before winter temperatures plummet. By timing it right, you can address any issues before your employees and customers rely on your system for safety and comfort.

Upgrading to a Smart Thermostat

Today’s smart thermostats are affordable and easy to operate. With a smart thermostat, you can automatically adjust temperature settings in your building, reducing heating and cooling costs when your business is vacant while ensuring comfort during operating hours.

*Learn more about smart programmable thermostats for your business.

Adding Zoning

Zoning your business can help you improve comfort and save energy, separating your business into multiple zones, which can each be programmed to different temperature requirements.

Taking Control of Your Indoor Air Quality

Ensuring good indoor air quality is essential for the health and productivity of your employees. If the air in your commercial building is less than ideal, our commercial HVAC service pros can help you improve it with better air filters, humidification and dehumidification additions, air purifiers, and ventilation system upgrades. These additions are especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring the health and safety of employees and customers and protecting your business against liability.

Improving Ventilation

Improving ventilation and ensuring fresh air flow through your building is another essential facet of good indoor air quality and COVID safety. Talk to our commercial mechanical professionals about options such as energy recovery ventilators, which work to supply fresh air and flush out stale air without impacting the performance of your heating and cooling system.

Upgrading Your Commercial HVAC System

If your commercial heating and cooling system is nearing the end of its 15-20-year lifespan, be proactive, planning your upgrade to a new Energy Star certified system now to prevent a breakdown at the peak of winter demand.

Make a plan for the new year with the help of H & H Commercial Services. Contact us and stay ahead of your HVAC New Year’s resolutions today.

This blog was originally posted at

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