Saturday 26 December 2020

Prepare your Hotel for the Harsh Winters

Winter is a prime travel season, regardless of rain, sleet, snow, or biting cold. Business people have year-round responsibilities. And this year, with COVID, families need a place to stay that facilitates a safe visit with loved ones. Is your hotel prepared for the seasonal influx of travelers? Heating system issues, plumbing problems, and more put your guests and staff at risk during the cold weather season. Here’s how you can prepare.

Schedule HVAC Winter Maintenance

Winter heating system maintenance is best performed in the fall before your system is put under the stress of winter weather extremes. If you haven’t already scheduled it, now’s the time before busy season sets in. The HVAC service experts at H & H can provide a full-service inspection, changing air filters, cleaning essential components, calibrating thermostats, and more to ensure your hotel heating system is running at peak efficiency, helping you keep your guests comfortable and your energy costs under control.

* Worried about COVID risks? Learn how to improve air quality and reduce liability.

Address Plumbing Issues Indoors & Out

Like commercial heating, properly functioning plumbing is essential to a positive guest experience. Reduce the risk of frozen, burst pipes and fixtures with proper prep. Drain lines that will be out of commission over the frigid winter months, such as lawn irrigation components. Be sure to adequately insulate those that will remain in use, particularly interior lines, to avoid the damage, expense, and bad press of burst pipes.

Reduce Energy Loss from Drafty Doors & Windows

Drafty windows and doors drain your profits, costing you in excess HVAC expenses and system wear-and-tear as your heater struggles to keep up with demand. They also reflect negatively on the guest experience, creating a chilly, uncomfortable indoor environment. Fortunately, you can control energy costs and prevent heat from escaping easily with the judicious use of caulk, weather stripping, door sweeps, and floor mats. Still experiencing an uncomfortably chilly indoor environment? Talk to your local HVAC pro to uncover and resolve hidden issues that help you keep your energy costs less and customers happy.

Safeguard Your Property Against Ice Damage

Winter precipitation can cause serious damage if left unchecked. At the start of each season, check critical areas like hotel roofs and building exteriors for damage that might be created or worsened by heavy snow loads, expanding ice, or pooling water from ice and snowmelt. Clear drains and gutters of leaves and debris, so damaging water has a clear path away from buildings. Address cracks and holes in your parking lot and sidewalks to prevent guest slip-and-falls, keeping de-icing chemicals on-hand at all times. Be sure to have a snow or ice removal plan in place in the event of an emergency so you can remain fully operational, even in the worst winter weather.

From HVAC mechanical systems maintenance to hotel natatorium challenges, the experienced staff at H & H Commercial Services has you covered. Ensure your facilities are prepped for winter weather. Contact us to schedule service today.

This blog was originally posted at

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